In the summer of 2022, Oakland Green Interiors embarked on a transformative project at Dublin Methodist Hospital, a local healthcare institution. Our mission: to revamp the hospital’s third-floor rooftop garden, originally designed as a serene escape for staff and patients but had fallen into disrepair, overrun by weeds.
Over several weeks, our team meticulously removed all weeds, improved the shallow soil (as little as 5 inches), and planted over 1500 perennials. The objective was to create a dynamic, prairie-style garden capable of thriving in challenging conditions—enduring wind, abundant sunlight, and shallow soil. We prioritized native and pollinator-friendly plant species, even preserving stray milkweed that had naturally found its way onto the rooftop.
Today, this once-neglected rooftop has blossomed into a vibrant, ever-changing oasis, visible from both the third and fourth floors of the hospital. It boasts colorful blooms, attracts wildlife, and brings joy to hospital staff, patients, and visitors. Our ongoing commitment involves regular pruning, fertilization, and seasonal maintenance, ensuring its continuous splendor.
Our mission was driven by several key objectives:
The Dublin Methodist Hospital Rooftop Revitalization project presented us with various challenges:
To overcome these challenges and meet our goals, we put in place a well-rounded plan:
The Dublin Methodist Hospital Rooftop Revitalization project stands as a testament to Oakland Green Interiors’ commitment to transforming neglected spaces into thriving, sustainable oases of beauty and tranquility. This revitalized rooftop garden exemplifies how thoughtful design and ongoing maintenance can turn challenges into opportunities for enhancing the human and environmental experience.
Bring the beauty and benefits of plants to your space with Oakland Green Interiors.
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